1 Best Sight in Northwest Point, Turks and Caicos Islands

Malcolm's Road Beach

This is one of the most stunning beaches you'll ever see, but you'll need to tread carefully; the road is a little rough in spots, and there have been reports of break-ins at the parking area. Don't bring any valuables with you, and never go alone. Also pack your own food and drinks because there are no facilities for miles around. However, if you're looking for a great diving experience, Malcolm's Road Beach offers one of the best as it is located near the wall, which is an underwater plateau covered with beautiful marine life. Even if you're not a diver, the water in this area is so clear, it's amazing how much you can see just from the shoreline. Amenities: parking (free). Best for: solitude; swimming; walking.

Malcolm's Beach Rd., Northwest Point, Turks and Caicos Islands