5 Best Bars in Frankfurt, Germany



The spacious club has an intimate feel, as candles are just about the only source of light. The proprietor is Anita Honis, an American singer from Harlem, who likes to get out her acoustic guitar and perform on occasion. Everyone is invited to sing or play on the piano, which is set up for impromptu and scheduled performances, and there's usually music nightly from 8 pm.

Der Frankfurter Jazzkeller

City Center

The oldest jazz cellar in Germany, Der Frankfurter Jazzkeller was founded by legendary trumpeter Carlo Bohländer. The club, which once hosted such luminaries as Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, now offers hot, modern jazz, but there is always some kind of cover. There are jam sessions on Wednesday and "Latin-funky" dances on Friday. Jazzkeller is located on a small alleyway off Fressgass, which just adds to its charm and legend.

Gibson Club

City Center

This nightclub in the heart of the Zeil attracts a mostly young crowd with its live music performances by international musicians. It's open Thursday and Sunday from 8 pm and Friday and Saturday from 11 pm. Concert tickets from €21.

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Jazzlokal Mampf


With posters of Chairman Mao on the walls, time seems to have stood still at the Jazzlokal Mampf. It looks straight out of the 1970s, but with live music to match, many don't think that's so bad. Since it opens at 6 pm for dinner and drinks, there's a lively after-work crowd on weekdays. Live jazz performances begin at 8 pm.


City Center

Sinkkasten, a Frankfurt musical institution, was renamed Zoom in 2013. By any name it is a great place for blues, jazz, pop, and rock. Saturday nights are Hit Happens, with hip-hop and techno-electro music. Zoom is open from 9 pm to 1 am every day but Monday, and live shows often begin at 11 pm.