1 Best Restaurant in Rudesheim, The Rhineland

Art Cafe


Located right on the bustling Drosselgasse, this quaint café offers a picture-perfect rendition of the town's most iconic refreshment: the Rüdesheimerkaffee. First created in the 1950s by German television chef Hans Karl Adam, the Rüdesheimerkaffee is made by flambéeing Asbach Uralt brandy and sugar in a specially made cup until the sugar dissolves, pouring strong coffee over it, and garnishing with mountains of whipped cream and chocolate flakes. The café also serves an excellent rendition of a Baumstriezel (chimney cake) and a wide selection of local spirits and wines to enjoy while watching people pass by outside.

Drosselgasse 5, Rüdesheim, 65385, Germany
Known For
  • Rüdesheimerkaffee and Baumstriezel
  • great selection of local spirits
  • charming old-world atmosphere
Restaurants Details
Rate Includes: Closed Jan.