3 Best Restaurants in Lecce, Puglia, Basilicata, and Calabria

Alle Due Corti


Renowned local culinary experts run this cove-ceilinged trattoria, where traditional Salentine cuisine is treated with both respect and originality. The white-walled interior is stark, but there's plenty of character in the simple, tasty fare and the gregarious chatter of local families. Menu mainstays include ciciri a tria (homemade pasta partly boiled and partly fried, with chickpeas), rice with potatoes and mussels, and crispy deep-fried squid.

Caffè Alvino


This historic caffè-gelateria is in the heart of Lecce, with handsome interiors and seating out on Piazza Sant'Oronzo. From early morning to late at night this is a buzzy place where Leccesi come to meet and refuel on classic Salentino pastries like pasticciotti (ricotta- or egg-filled pastry) and zeppole. Those after savory can feast on local cheeses like burrata and hot aperitivi snacks like arancini and croquettes.

Le Zie Trattoria Casereccia


Local families favor this tiny old-fashioned trattoria, where no-frills charm is matched by wholesome, unfussy food. Cucina casereccia (home-cooked) specialties include polpo in teglia (stewed octopus), baccalà al forno (baked salt cod), and the ubiquitous rustic purè di fave e cicoria (bean puree with wild chicory).

Via Costadura 19, Lecce, 73100, Italy
Known For
  • Warm hospitality
  • Genuine local color and cuisine
  • Best to book ahead
Restaurant Details
Rate Includes: Closed Mon. No dinner Sun.

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