2 Best Sights in Tharros, Sardinia

Museo Civico di Cabras

This lagoon-side archaeological museum displays many of the better-preserved urns and other artifacts recovered from nearby excavation sites, including Tharros. It is also the main home of the Giganti di Mont'e Prama—unique nuraghic stone statues recovered from the Sinis Peninsula in the 1970s but only recently viewable in their restored state. The visit takes about an hour. Buy a combination ticket to see the Museo Civico and the ruins at Tharros.

Via Tharros 121, Cabras, 09072, Italy
Sights Details
Rate Includes: €6.50; €10 combined ticket, includes Tharros, Closed Mon. Nov.–Mar.


San Giovanni di Sinis

The spectacular site of the Carthaginian and Roman city of Tharros was, like Nora to the south, chosen because it commanded the best views of the gulf and could provide an easy escape route if inland tribes threatened. The Phoenician-Punic city planning here includes sophisticated water channeling and masonry foundations. Two reconstructed Corinthian columns stand as testament to the site's Roman history, and there are baths visible and mosaic fragments from the Roman city.

Off SP6, Cabras, 09072, Italy
Sights Details
Rate Includes: €6.50; €10 combined ticket, includes Museo Civico di Cabras; tower €4, Closed Mon. Nov.–Mar.