2 Best Sights in Swedish Lapland, Sweden

Ájtte, Swedish Mountain and Sami Museum

Fodor's choice

At first glance, this museum looks quite simple, but once you enter the heart of the museum, you’ll find exhibit areas opening off a central core like petals on a flower, exploring the culture and history of the Sami people. There are impressive displays of Sami crafts and traditional clothing, as well as exhibits about culture, reindeer herding, religion, education, arctic landscape and wildlife, and the impact of outside settlers on the Sami way of life. Many exhibits are labeled in English, but there are also printed museum guides and audio guides available.

Naturum Laponia

Perched on the north shore of Lake Langas, this visitor center is built in a style that resembles the rounded shape of traditional Sami dwellings. It tells the story of the people and nature of the area through exhibits that explore life during the eight distinct seasons recognized by the Sami. There are also listening stations where you can hear the personal stories of different people who live or spend time in the area. A café serves sandwiches, waffles, and other light meals and snacks.

Rd. 827, Jukkasjärvi, 982 99, Sweden
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Free, Hours vary, check website