2 Best Sights in The Sea of Marmara and the North Aegean, Turkey

Chunuk Bair

The goal of the Allies was to occupy this strategic location overlooking the Gallipoli Peninsula. They failed, and Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk) became a hero and went on to establish the secular republic of Turkey. It was here that he told his soldiers, "I order you not just to fight, but to die." All the men of one of his regiments were wiped out, and he himself was saved miraculously when a bullet hit the pocket watch that was over his heart—a moment commemorated with a huge statue of Atatürk here—but the line held. The hilltop holds Turkish trenches, a cemetery, and the New Zealand national memorial and has good views of the peninsula and the Dardanelles Strait.

Çimenlik Fortress

The main reason to come here is for the sweeping view of the mouth of the Dardanelles and the Aegean, but the long history and exhibits come a close second. Built on the orders of Mehmet the Conqueror in 1462 after he successfully stormed Istanbul, the impressive waterfront fortress now houses the Deniz Müzesi (Naval Museum), displaying artifacts from the Gallipoli battlefields and exhibits in English (proceed counterclockwise inside), accompanied by a Turkish-language, live-action reenactment of life in the trenches. The grounds contain all kinds of weaponry, including dozens of ancient and modern cannons, and a replica of the World War I–era minelayer ship, Nusret, is docked offshore.

Çimenlik Sok. and Hanım Sok., Çanakkale, 17900, Turkey
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