2 Best Sights in Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, The Pacific Lowlands

We've compiled the best of the best in Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa - browse our top choices for the top things to see or do during your stay.

Finca El Baúl

In the midst of working fields of sugarcane north of town, Finca El Baúl clumps together a collection of stelae from the Preclassic to Late Classic periods (AD 250–900). The site shows influences of the indigenous Pipil people, who spoke the Nahuatl language of central Mexico, as well as the Maya. Though billed as an outdoor museum, you'll find little explanation of what you're seeing at El Baúl. Most visitors come here, rather, to observe the occasional Mayan rituals that still take place on the site. There's no fixed schedule, but if you do stumble upon an observance, be unobtrusive. A few visitors wandering aimlessly through the fields have been robbed. We recommend a taxi to get here and back. Most drivers know the place and are happy to serve as your guide and protector.

05002, Guatemala
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Q10, Daily 7–4

Museo de Cultura Cotzumalguapa

For a far better grounding in the Mayan history of the region than you can get at El Baúl, head to the Finca Las Ilusiones, also a one-time sugarcane plantation. The site is officially known as the Museo de Cultura Cotzumalguapa, and takes in a collection of stelae and stones gathered from nearby archaeological sites. Most of these come from Bilbao, on the northern edge of Santa Lucía, which housed a collection of carved stones. The 80-ton, so-called Monument 21 remains at the Bilbao site, and has been copied in fiberglass for display at this museum. The remainder of the Bilbao stones here are authentic.

05002, Guatemala
No phone
Sight Details
Rate Includes: Q10, Daily 7–noon and 2–4