1 Best Hotel in Brigus and Cupids, Avalon Peninsula

Skipper Ben's

$ | 408 Seaforest Dr., Cupids, A0A 2B0, Canada

This restored 1891 heritage home has wood ceilings, antique furnishings, and three spacious rooms. The dining room, with ocean views, is open for lunch, afternoon tea, and dinner by reservation only. The owner is a superb cook, so it's well worth it to dine here.


  • Ocean views from deck and rooms
  • Excellent meals
  • Proximity to the sea


  • No private bathrooms
  • No air-conditioning
  • Road runs between B&B and water
408 Seaforest Dr., Cupids, A0A 2B0, Canada
hotel Details
3 rooms
Rate Includes: Free Breakfast, Closed Jan.–Apr.

Quick Facts

  • $

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