Milbridge Area


Lumbering spurred the shipbuilding that thrived in Milbridge in the 1800s. Though small, it’s a commercial hub for the area where you can stock up on groceries and grab a bite. Driving through, look for a sign for easy-to-miss Milbridge Commons Wellness Park along Narraguagus Bay, with picnic area, paths, gardens, and an abstract granite sculpture on the Maine Sculpture Trail. West of Milbridge in Steuben, popular hiking trails await at a wildlife refuge and a preserve. Set back from U.S. 1, that town’s tiny village is worth a drive-through: no amenities, just buy into the lost-in-time feel. The 1850s Greek Revival Steuben Union Church facing the green is a classic. Next door, the handsome Henry D. Moore Parish House (1910) is a library. Upriver from Milbridge, a rocky stretch of the Narraguagus River cuts through Cherryfield, the “Blueberry Capital of the World." Blueberry processing facilities are in town and wild blueberry barrens in the countryside. A lumbering center in the late 1800s, there are a surprising number of ornate Victorian-era homes for a small, remote New England village. The Cherryfield National Historic District has 52 buildings including Colonial Revival, Greek Revival, Italianate, Queen Anne, and Second Empire dwellings.

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